
Our 2019-2020 Executive Board:

President: Nick Gemberling

Nick is a third year Environmental Engineering Major with an interest in renewable energy sources (wind, solar, hydroelectric). He joined E3 because he thought it would be a great club that could help with getting involved more environmentally on campus and in the surrounding area (and it’s been a blast)! Last year, his favorite event was a beach/community clean up which he found to be quite fun because we got to chat with friends while enjoying a great view AND helping clean up the area!

Vice President: Victoria Green

Victoria is a senior at San Diego State University and joined E3 to make a difference in the community with recognizable results. Some of her favorite things include yoga, beaching, thrifting and biking. To her sustainability is “providing for the future generations to live in a healthier world while preserving the our communities and environment”

Vice President of Marketing: Grace Markel

Grace is a third year Business Marketing major, who immediately felt at home in E3 due to the organization’s inclusive, like-minded community! By getting involved with E3, she harnessed her passion for prioritizing the environment, and decided to pursue a minor in Sustainability. In the future, Grace strives to obtain a fulfilling marketing career for an eco-friendly business, and wholeheartedly believes that E3 has played a pivotal role in helping her pinpoint her ambitions and desired life path. Overall, Grace defines sustainability as “providing hope for future generations by collectively doing what we can in the present to protect our environment”

Vice President of Finance: Jihat ‘Gabe’ Tropak

Gabe is a sophomore business administration major with a minor in interdisciplinary studies. Growing up in a family of business people, he gained an early interest in finance and technology. He saw that if we wanted to create a better future for ourselves and the next generation then we should turn to the biggest influence in our environment; business. He plans to spend his career working with business to create a more sustainable future. For Gabe, e3 is a community of people who love and care for the planet in which we all live.

Vice President of Communication: Lino Ponce

Lino is a senior majoring in International Business in Spanish and Latin America with a minor in Sustainability. He has previous professional experience working in finance, real estate, and among other business industries but Sustainability and this club caught his interest because he wants to be a part of a bigger picture making positive changes in our environment the way we conduct business. After SDSU, he hopes to land a job where he can incorporate his business skills and formal education to make a difference on a global scale.

Vice President of Events: Jordyn Savard

Jordyn is a first-year business student at San Diego State University. She joined E3 this year as a way to learn more about sustainability and green living and how to incorporate that into her daily life. During her free time, she loves painting, playing with her dog, and traveling to new places. To her, sustainability means “being mindful of what you’re doing and the impact it has on the world we live in”.

Vice President of Recruitment: Griffin Herring

Griffin was born in Mechanicsville, Virginia, but moved to San Diego when he was in high school. Currently, he is a Business Management student with a minor in Sustainability and he is excited to be working as the Vice President of Recruitment for the Enviro-Business Society. He has worked as a Marketing Manager for and with nonprofit organizations such as CrowdDoing, Lloyds of London, and Underwriters Laboratories, in order to popularize a new model for sustainable insurance policies to help mitigate wildfire damage in California. He is inspired by the synergy of sustainability, in that a single industry can be beneficial to our economy, our ecology, and our ethics all at once. His goal is to strengthen San Diego’s community even more by promoting the widespread efforts of sustainable practices in San Diego.